

7 Best Community Platforms in 2023

By Alex • Updated July 15, 2023

To build an online community, you need a platform that supports communication, content sharing, member management, and user engagement.

This article will discuss seven standout community platforms for 2023.

Best Community Platforms

  1. Circle
  2. Mighty Networks
  3. Discord
  4. Bettermode
  5. Facebook Groups
  6. Discourse
  7. Hivebrite

What Makes a Great Community Platform?

Before diving into our list, let's first look at the essential aspects that make a community platform great.

  1. User-Friendly Interface: A community platform should be easy to navigate, with a clean, intuitive interface that lets users quickly find what they need.
  2. Rich Features: The platform should offer a variety of features, such as discussion forums, private messaging, content sharing, and event management, to foster engagement and interaction.
  3. Customization Options: The ability to customize the look and feel of the community, including branding options and layout customization, is essential for creating a unique and personalized community experience.
  4. Mobile Accessibility: As more people use mobile devices for online activities, a community platform should be mobile-friendly or have a dedicated mobile app.
  5. Reliable Support: A good community platform should provide robust customer support to help users troubleshoot issues and get the most out of the platform.

Now, let's deep dive into our top picks for the best community platforms in 2023.

1. Circle


Circle is a modern community platform that combines the best parts of forums, social networks, and messaging apps. It’s designed to feel familiar, but with more control and flexibility over your community's experience.

Key Features:

  • Spaces: Create separate spaces for different topics or groups within your community.
  • Memberships: Monetize your community with recurring subscriptions, one-time payments, and free trials.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrate with your favorite tools like Zapier, Memberstack, and Ghost.
  • Customization: Customize the look and feel of your community to match your brand.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Built with a mobile-first approach, Circle works beautifully on all devices.

Our Take:

Circle is a great choice if you prioritize a clean, user-friendly interface and a high degree of customization. It offers a modern, sleek design that can be tailored to your brand, and its robust features make it easy to foster engagement and interaction in your community. Its seamless integration with popular tools makes it a versatile choice for any online community.

2. Mighty Networks


Mighty Networks is an all-in-one platform that lets you create online communities, courses, and membership sites under your brand. It offers a range of tools to foster engagement and monetize your community.

Key Features:

  • Community Building: Create groups, discussions, and events to foster communication and engagement.
  • Online Courses: Host online courses and integrate them with your community for a comprehensive learning experience.
  • Monetization: Monetize your community with subscriptions, paid access to courses, and exclusive content.
  • Customization: Customize the look and feel of your community to match your brand.
  • Mobile Apps: Mighty Networks offers both iOS and Android apps for your community.

Our Take:

Mighty Networks is a robust platform for anyone looking to build and monetize an online community. It excels in providing a holistic community experience by integrating community building, online courses, and monetization. Its user-friendly interface and mobile apps make it easy for members to engage and stay connected, wherever they are.

3. Discord


Discord is a communication platform that was initially designed for gamers but has since expanded to host all types of online communities. It offers voice, video, and text communication channels, making it a versatile platform for community interaction.

Key Features:

  • Channels: Create text, voice, and video channels for different topics or groups within your community.
  • Direct Messaging: Communicate one-on-one with members via direct messages.
  • Screen Sharing: Share your screen during voice or video calls for more interactive discussions.
  • Customization: Customize your server with custom roles, permissions, and bots.
  • Mobile Apps: Discord offers both iOS and Android apps for on-the-go communication.

Our Take:

Discord is an excellent choice for communities that value real-time communication. It’s particularly great for communities centered around gaming, live events, or any topic that benefits from live voice or video discussion. Its robust customization and moderation tools also make it a versatile choice for any community.

4. Bettermode


Bettermode is an online community platform designed to foster customer engagement and improve customer success. It provides a space where customers can discuss, share ideas, and give feedback, enabling businesses to better understand their customers and improve their products or services.

Key Features:

  • Discussion Forums: Create forums where customers can discuss and share ideas.
  • Customer Feedback: Collect customer feedback to understand their needs and improve your offerings.
  • Content Sharing: Share content with your community and foster engagement.
  • Analytics: Track and analyze community engagement to gain valuable insights.

Our Take:

Bettermode is a great choice for businesses looking to foster customer engagement and gather feedback. It offers a platform where customers can discuss and share ideas, providing valuable insights for businesses. Its analytics feature also helps businesses track community engagement and make data-driven decisions.

5. Facebook Groups


Facebook Groups is a feature of the popular social media platform that allows users to create and join communities based on shared interests. This platform is widely accessible, easy to use, and offers a variety of tools for community management.

Key Features:

  • Group Types: Choose from different group types (public, private, etc.) based on your community’s needs.
  • Member Management: Approve new members, manage group roles, and moderate content.
  • Engagement Tools: Use features like polls, live video, and events to foster engagement.
  • Analytics: Use Facebook Insights to understand your group’s performance and member activity.

Our Take:

Facebook Groups is an excellent choice for those who want to leverage the reach of the social media giant. It's easy to use, and its wide array of features enables you to foster engagement effectively in your community. However, it's worth noting that you'll be subject to Facebook's rules and limitations, and you won't have as much control or customization options as with a dedicated community platform.

6. Discourse


Discourse is an open-source platform for building online discussion forums. It's designed to foster civilized discussion and community engagement, with a variety of features for moderation and customization.

Key Features:

  • Discussion Forums: Create forums for discussion and community interaction.
  • Moderation Tools: Use features like flags, trust levels, and spam protection to maintain a healthy community.
  • Customization: Customize the look and feel of your community, and extend functionality with plugins.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Discourse is designed to work well on both desktop and mobile devices.

Our Take:

Discourse is a solid choice for communities focused on discussion and dialogue. Its robust moderation tools help maintain a healthy and respectful community atmosphere, while its customization options allow you to tailor the platform to your community's needs. As an open-source platform, it also offers the potential for extensive customization and development.

7. Hivebrite


Hivebrite is a comprehensive community management platform that enables organizations to create, manage, and engage their community. It's designed to provide a fully branded, customizable experience with a wide range of features.

Key Features:

  • Custom Branding: Customize the look and feel of your community to match your brand.
  • Member Management: Manage your members, track their activity, and segment them based on various criteria.
  • Engagement Tools: Foster engagement with features like events, forums, messaging, and newsletters.
  • Analytics: Track your community's growth and engagement with in-depth analytics.

Our Take:

Hivebrite offers a comprehensive set of tools for community management, making it a great choice for organizations looking for an all-in-one solution. Its customization options allow you to create a unique, branded community experience, while its robust member management and engagement tools help you foster a vibrant and active community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are community platforms important?

Community platforms are important as they provide a space for your audience to engage, interact, and build a sense of belonging. They can be used to foster customer loyalty, gather feedback, provide support, and build a strong brand community.

How do I choose the right community platform for my needs?

Choosing the right community platform depends on your specific needs and goals. Consider factors like the size of your community, your budget, the features you need, the level of customization you want, and the platform's reputation and support.

Can I use multiple community platforms?

Yes, you can use multiple community platforms. However, managing multiple platforms can be challenging and might lead to fragmented community experiences. It's often more efficient to choose one platform that meets all your needs.

How do I engage members in my community platform?

Engaging members in your community platform can be done through regular communication, providing valuable content, hosting events, facilitating discussions, and acknowledging and rewarding active members.

In conclusion, whether you're a small business, a large corporation, an educator, or a creative individual, there's a community platform out there that can help you build and manage your online community effectively.

All Community Platforms